Noah's Code - 7 Rules

N o a h' s C o d e:

1 Do not worships idols

our take on this: A lot of weird and evil stuff happens when people worships idols. Such as sacrificing their children, hurting themselves and wasting alot of time chanting mumbo jumbo.

2 Do not curse the Creator

our take on this: This means to believe in one Creator of all things. The Creator of the universe and Creator of physicality and spirituality. This Creator continues to manifest in every aspect of the creation and cares what you do. You should have a personal relationship with the Creator.

As 'believing' is vague and hard to say when you have abided by this code, it is simplified into a negative code - just do not curse the Creator.

3 Do not murder

our take on this: Murder is defined as taking human life for no reason. E.g. taking your parking spot.

4 Do no commit sexual immorality

our take on this: e.g. with your own son or daughter.

5 Do not steal

our take on this: just don't do it... not even chocolate!

6 Do not be cruel to animals

our take on this: Traditionally the literal wording is 'Do not tear a limb from a living animal to eat'. At a time when people would need to hunt and eat their prey, mercifully killing the animal was necessary. Barbarically there were those who would eat from the animal whilst it was still alive.

7 Establish local courts of law

our take on this: In order for society to flourish, there must be rule of law and enforcement. Societies need to make up other agreed upon laws or else there would be chaos. E.g. agreed side of road to drive a car.

We must do our bit to promote local (or national) rule of law and champion justice.

We cannot just say that it is not our business.